Hopefully this will be a regularly updated post.
Obviously we have the standard questions asked of us on a weekly basis but just for fun and with the website client’s agreement I will start to build a list of funny / or more unusual questions (and the answers we give)
Q When anybody receives a message from me there is no name coming up just this . can you explain why the company name or my name isnt coming up at all please,
A You have probably setup your email with the name ‘.’ Just had to change my name to . to check it 🙂 If you have outlook goto tools > account settings and change it in your email account tab. Have a look at the email setup details we send you and amend the field that says ‘Your Name’ in your email properties, failing that phone us and we will help you sort it out.
Q We just got this request via email ‘We would also be interested in linking with your company and that way our clientele can also see what you can offer them too.’ but we think its too early to link up with a business we dont even know, is this normal on the Internet?
A They are possibly asking to swap ‘hyperlinks’ with your website – would advise ignoring these requests – expect a lot of them!
Q describe how do you access your email ? I cant seem to do it [sent 3 weeks after using their own email, and send from their domain email] A Assume you know how to do this as we have been chatting via email with your new account for a few weeks after we set it up for you and left you the instructions to do it, call us to tell us more.
Q We have arranged to put our website next to another one as we got the email from another website owner confirming this today, please can you see the email and say you can do this for us ‘Hi thank you for contacting us. I spoke to you this morning on the phone and would be willing to link websites.’
A linking isnt about putting a website next to another one but it concerns having a link on your site pointing to another persons website. we can take care of this for you if you supply your friends website.

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