Here is an example questionnaire we sent out to our clients when they want us to create a website for them and there are some sample / example answers showing you the level of detail we like to know about you before we start work on your website project
1.How would you describe your services and/or products?
We’re a multi award winning family run wedding photography company who specialise in one to one VIP private appointments. Every single party is seen in absolute privacy, they get the department to themelves, no other customers will be sharing their space, this is very unique for a photography shop, we are busy and lovely business made up of hard working and dedicated staff who love all things related to photography for weddings. It’s worth noting that customer services is at the heart of our business, over the years and particularly this year, we’ve experienced some problems and because we have such a big reputation and have won awards the expectations of our customers are immense, the market and consumers generally are a tough audience (and getting tougher) so whilst we are keen to promote our success and our achievements and customer service ethos we have to be careful, we are far from being without fault and they come down on us hard because the bar is so high.
Brides and Grooms and the families that sometimes pay for the wedding photographer are looking for a seamless, perfect experience and its often hard to meet ‘perfection’…  in terms of the branding and positioning of our business yes we are known as one of the best in the business and strive to deliver a very special and memorable experience, yes we do things in a different way to other wedding photographers but we are far from being fault free and one thing always put to us when the very smallest thing goes wrong is ‘I came to you because you have so many good reviews and testimonials and have done great work and everyone says you are the best’ So I am just conscious that we have to be a little careful in terms of what and how much we promote ourselves.
2. What do you want to achieve with the design of your new Website?
The new design needs to communicate that our product is unique and special and that it’s an experience to remember.  Our appointments are managed by experienced photographers not sales people and all of our customers are VIPs.  We’re here to turn wedding dreams into a reality – we want customers to sense that when they visit our website, I want our site to communicate our business personality.
Our site must remain accessible and friendly not snooty or look too designer or luxury, we’re about a quality photography service and amazing portfolios but we are not top end designer, what we sell is aspirational and our service standards are high but we wish to connect with the average Bride and Groom too.  We make people feel comfortable, we build confidence, we compliment and help with self esteem and yeah, sure we deal with the odd bridezilla but it is important to ensure that we don’t end up looking too luxury or top end, we do not want to alienate the average engaged couple who are very much our customer too.
Also I think we may do more with video going forward, a video page could be good our photographers work with videographers and we have been using short videos which we are utilising on Facebook, perhaps we should accommodate these on our webite too? To bring to life the wedding photography experience in some way maybe on home page.  I’ll do another shop video sometime soon, we have one on our current video page, am not sure it does us justice although we could edit the material down maybe and make better?  Is this something you can help us with? What they say is really powerful but the shots of the shop are awful and really outdated, can this video maybe be re-edited for use? Advice please.
3.Who are your main competitors? Please give websites
Above are all within 15 minute drive, most brides / grooms will visit at least 3 or 4 shops often more.
4. What is the Business Objective for the company?
To drive more profit and increase sales ultimately but at the heart of it all; we want to deliver incredible customer service and make a real difference to our clients who are Brides and Grooms, we want our brides to feel special and take away from us a really memorable and enjoyable wedding photography shopping experience.
5. Who are your target audience?
Young couples, Brides and Grooms (mainly heterosexual but sometimes same sex weddings) 25-35, often first time weddings but sometimes a more mature couple will visit.  Majority of our couples are looking to spend around £600 but usually go to £800 if they have lots of prints and the DVD and sometimes go to £1500 if they have the videographer.  Our couples usually based in Essex and the surrounding areas including Suffolk and occasionally London but target market is Essex region.
6. What is the deadline to go live?
Yesterday, doesnt everyone say that?
1. What Designs do you like? (Please provide 3-5 examples)
2. What Designs don’t you like?
Most of the competitive sites of the photography websites we have as competitors.
3. What colour palettes might you prefer? Why?
Light Blue has always been our brand colour, we’re open too change, it must be calm, reassuring and stress free as a colour though.  A hint if pink might work but I think I’d prefer light blue. More white space would work for me now.
Maybe light pink? A neutral tone to allow the photos to jump out possibly? Nudes and greys and soft neutrals are very in
Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. This will help us to understand what you want from your design. If you have any supporting material such as documents, imagery and High Resolution logos please send them to us along with this completed questionnaire.

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