Here is a very old conversation when we first started to give trainee website designers test projects and this one reminded me of how much time and effort you need to invest in people to ensure that they have the capabilities both logically and technically to tackle website design projects.
Potential Website Trainee Based on our discussion and the reference websites shared by you, I can provide the best e-commerce website with WordPress Woocommerce for an online shop for you to sell the products on the Internet.
Below is the list of points that will be taken care of by us during the website design project.
WordPress – Woocommerce setup
Home PSD Design
Responsive design
SEO Friendly coding
User Registration & User Login Management
Category Management
Product / Item Management
Item Review Management
Payment Gateway Integration (PayPal & Stripe)
Add to cart & Order Management
User Account with a Billing and Delivery Detail
User personal dashboard with Order History
CMS Pages Management – Contact, Terms, and Conditions, etc.
Security to make this website more secure and avoid any future security threat.
All website content will be fully optimised for Google
Website optimised for fast loading speeds
User-Friendly admin to manage website content and product information.
Total Price
Total Time: 6 to 8 weeks Weeks
Technology: WordPress Woocommerce
Payment Terms: 50% advance before starting the work & balance 50% after beta delivery and before deployment of the project on client-server.
Please Note
We have assumed that you will provide the design PSD. We will need to convert those PSD into a responsive WordPress design.
We can provide PSD of main pages such as Home Page, Category Page, Product Detail Page. Max 2 revision based on client feedback.
All website content will be provided by the yourself as busiess owner / our website client (i.e. Logo, Images, Pages Name, Category Name, Sub-category Name, Product Images, Product Information. We will add max 10 dummy products on the website, products will be added by the client from the admin backend.
We will integrate your convenient payment gateway (PayPal & Stripe). We will require payment gateway details to integrate into a web application from you. If there are any charges for it will be taken care of by you.
The project will be developed on our development server and the project URL of the development server will be shared with you so you will have an update of project progress.
After completion of the project, our QA team will test every functionality and then will release beta delivery.
After your user acceptance confirmation, we will deploy this project on your server for that we will need server details and domain name details.
After deployment, we will provide 4 weeks warranty period on our provided code. We will do the free bug fixing during the warranty period if there is any.
We will provide the source code of the project and you will have all intellectual rights of this project.
Please let me know your thoughts on this project information. We will be happy to have a detailed call to discuss the information mentioned above if required. Thanks for showing your interest in working together and  giving us a new task.
We checked the website and the email you shared and here is what we think.
You have to create a new eCommerce website from scratch like the reference website using Porto WordPress Ecommerce theme. You have already installed the theme and done few other things which you mentioned in the email.
Further, to start with us as a first task you want us to add below as your first product and add product description page following porto theme. right now there will be only two options to choose from.
These will be the details in of the page.

  1. Image gallery
  2. Add to wish list
  3. Product prize and variations available and add to cart option
  4. Description, manual and reviews tab
  5. related products

Further, do we have to support different currencies as per the reference website?
Also can you answer below queries:
Not sure if header and footer is already designed, we can design these along with product description page
Also just confirming that if you want any development for home page or cart page.
Kindly confirm if we have understood it right and answer our queries so we can move forward and give you the estimation for this task.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Wishlist is a standard within porto theme
There is only 2 options / variations (size)
There is only one product to add initially
Regarding designing header / footer – You will need to use the demo content / design in porto and add some images using revolution slider, this is a standard WordPress Porto site / design
Good this is exactly what I want to hear and see and I will terminate my agreement with the other company, as they havent done any work / returned my messages, will give you a trial and setup access for you
Thanks for your response. Below mentioned is our estimation. Kindly check and let us know if that’s fine with you.
Theme R&D  1 Hour
add the prodcut with these limited options of two sizes, adding product in admin panel and creating the template for product description page) 4-6 Hours
Using the photos from here (you can use these manufacturer photos for the front page also) 1-2 Hours
Wishlist is a standard within Porto theme 1 Hour
There is only 2 options / variations (size) 1 Hour
There is only one product to add initially 1-2 Hours
Regarding designing header/footer – You will need to use the demo content/design in Porto and add some images using revolution slider, this is a standard Porto site/design-  2-3 Hours
So, in total we can do this in 15 hours, as we want to work together with you and this is initial phase so as per the base rate I can offer is as discussed on the phone.  Let me know if that’s fine and share the details so we can start the work.
Also, you asked Similar to this website which we created before but this is website is not opening seems IP is blocked (so, maybe you can check or otherwise share screenshots). Looking forward to hearing from you soon
The work is in progress, we have prepared basic template for the product which is similar to the reference site, here’s the link, we have created the page structure like description, variations, review, related products etc. You can see the page and let us know if you have any input. One question we have from our end is that which color scheme we should follow? should we follow the reference site or you have something else for us?
Basic Template? This is ok but its just the theme template, I think this is 20 minutes work so far, you have also left an option of ‘clear’ under the Size options, I was hoping for much more please get this very small project completed as far as possible. I will ask the client for front page slider images but think you will have to copy the product images from the other page for these. I would hope you do the basics quickly like changing the default telephone number, its only going to be an English Language site using English currency (GBP) so you can remove some of the options
Colour scheme, need to use the colour from the logo, this will be a ‘obvious’ option when you get the logo going forward please
Thanks for your response, we have checked all your points and they were valid, sorry for our time wasting So, today we spent time on cleaning up of the page and making changes as per the theme. We removed content that was not required and added some more products to make look page better. We have done other small fixes as well. This page is now coming into the shape.
Let us know your views on it? If you have any other input let us know. As our deadline is Friday we have kept one full day for any change that comes up. Just wanted to know if there’s any changes for the description page from your end. Let us know if there’s any changes for this page so that we can complete it. Also, after this page what next you want us to do?
Sorry but I cannot Micro-manage this project, we have lots of projects going on and really think you have most of the the detail to complete this site, you have a clear and easy request and from what I can see you have spend maybe 1-2 hours on the site and I need you to ‘own’ this and look at it from a client’s perspective.
I have seen you have added other products which makes the site look better / more realistic
I admit it’s a strange project and will go back to the client to confirm about categories and products (as they have only given us one so far) but I want you to look at it from the website owners perspective, they want the website looking good with no extra confusing items that come with the theme demo
For example please remove
the newsletter popup and footer opt in subscribe option
the wishlist option
the ‘elements’ menu option
all of the demo products
all of the demo categories
please review the site and update accordingly
You havent created a category for the product created
Please create a category and put the products you create in that category. The url doesn’t need to have the word ‘product’ in it !
Free UK Postage Restrict to UK only
Ensure ‘Free UK Postage’ is mentioned / shown on site
Potential Website Trainee Thanks for the updates. We made the few required changes which were left in the product page and you mentioned in the email. Now as per our estimation you can see it’s complete. kindly find the payment request of which we agreed and attached invoice
Further, We will take the ownership of this website and see the remaining things as client.
For now we can understand that few things on the following pages need to be done:

  • Home page
  • Blog listing and single blog
  • Search page
  • Payment flow cart/checkout
  • About us page

Only home page will take 3-4 hours. Other pages will be done all together  4 hours. The remainder 2 hours we have kept or styling and fixing up any other issues which will be there.
So, This all will take nearly 10 hours and we will deliver it by Wednesday. So, I can offer to complete the remaining things for this website. Kindly approve so we can start the development.
Also, let me know once you make the payment mentioned above in the email.
Hi I needed you to create the website, not half create it and then say its going to be 10 more hours, I have been a computer operator, programmer, team leader, project manager, consultant, freelance consultant and business owner / project manager and can assure you I am not to be taken advantage of, you need to be open and honest with me here. We run 3 dedicated servers and many website design clients and cant waste time with amateur attempts and website design from people that want to take advantage of us.
This website was to be done by another trainee as a test / trial project but instead we agreed to pay you to do it and don’t expect you to stop halfway and say it will be more money.
In our view so far you have done this:
Added a product (good exactly what we needed)
Added lots of other products (not requested)
Added a header (copied from the 3rd party site) and bit of text
Not created your own header from the images suggested
Added some random words to the banner, this is very strange / wrong
Left all the old text / information / dummy text on the website
Left all the holding images on the website
Left all the sale banners on the website
Left all the brand images on the website
Ignored my request to removed newsletter subscription
Ignored my request to remove wishlist
Ignored my request to add a category
Ignored requests to add:
Free UK Postage
Restrict to UK only
Ensure ‘Free UK Postage’ is mentioned / shown on site
Basically, you have done the bare minimum of work and not done it very well at all.
We have a constant stream of work and what you have done so far could have been done by a trainee web-programmer in 1 hour, if you wanted to work with us full time over a period of time you will see how much work we do and how much work we can give you.
Even the product images you have added are not done correctly (hint this is not a good name for a product MG_5582-150×150.jpg), am sorry but this is very amateur work. I am very disappointed
You have 2 decisions:
1, Continue to complete website and will pay you the money agreed but the website needs to be done correctly and needs to be done by Wednesday
2, Decline my offer and will pay you what we consider your work is worth (currently about 1 hours worth)
Please tell me your decision, quickly so we can get this project completed, if you choose option 2 I will pay you what we consider appropriate and then walk away, if you choose option 1 then great but please get going and get this website done as we have lots of other projects to allocate.
Potential Website Trainee I can understand you are not happy but most of the remaining things you said are for the entire website not for just the product page. Also, you have mentioned that you think the work we have done so far can be done in just an hour so I am just wondering then why you approved 15 hours for the same.
We did the last task as test task and didn’t even asked anything for that (as agreed), so I can very well say that I am not working just for the money but for a good and long term partnership, which I always mentioned in my email. For this project also, I even said that you can pay after the task will be completed so you can understand that we are not trying to make more money and what you said we want to take advantage of you is absolutely wrong.
Just to make sure that there will be no confusion I made clear email what we have understood from the task and gave you the below estimation with task which you approved.
If you would have said that the above mentioned points can be done all together in just an hour by a trainee then I would have very well said you to give him the task rather then investing time and money in me. I also, asked couple of times if there’s anything left from the above points so we can do that as well and saying again that if we have missed anything from these points then do let us know we will complete that as that was within our scope and we are supposed to do that.
Regarding, the rest of the website, if you think  that asking 10 extra hours is too much then I am ready to invest and if you can just approve 5 hours then also it’s fine with me. But I do have to respect each other’s work. If we have done any mistake in the above points then we are all ready to listen and improvise but saying that all this points can be done in just an hour and we want to take advantage of you is not right. If you really think that we have done useless work then we can very well stop here itself and we will not even ask for any money for whatever we have done. As I always wished to work with you for long time so money for such task doesn’t matter to me. We earlier invested 7 hours in the test task and here will also we will consider the same no issue.
Further, if you think we can work together and complete this website, then I would say it will be great if you can make the payment of the invoice I sent and we will make all the changes which we mentioned in the below email on different pages and also will complete the entire website and then if you think work is done well then you can pay extra 5 hours only for the extra work of nearly 10 hours which we will be doing.
We can’t believe your reply, it’s just embarrassing and a waste of time. We can’t work with you as you clearly have no idea about what is needed
Potential Website Trainee Further, I am sorry that your time is wasted and if you have decided not to continue, but really this is fine. I really wish that you will find a good website design trainee who will understand all your requirements better than myself and assist you in every possible way.

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