Website Designer suggestions and comments for client during a website redesign and transfer, this is a very common function / practise to us as we ‘rescue’ business owners and their websites from other website design companies in Essex that aren’t delivering on their promises to their clients. If you think your current website designers are not treating you individually and making your website work for you then give us a ring on 01375 460094 or 07743 853976 and talk to our Project Manager James who will be able to explain to you in simple terms what you options are.
I was able to take a backup of the current site for you from your current website designers.  However, the backups can’t reproduce working contact forms.  My recommended course of action would be to create the new optimised WordPress Responsive CMS site on a development server, then once it is ready, simply transfer the domain and switch to the new website at the same time.  That will probably be the most painless way to do it.  Not that any other way should be troublesome, just that it might be. Let me know if that all sounds good to you?  I will then email through an invoice to cover the website setup costs. Quick email to confirm pricing and what you will be getting.
The package price will cover the whole build of a new site and input of your content, 14 or 15 pages whatever you currently have, plus the news / blog section which you can use for news updates or leave it off if you don’t want it.  Some of the cost will cover on-going optimisation and link building (SEO) over the following 2 month period for searches including your services in London and Essex.
You can optionally use part of the linking budget to add more landing pages (pages optimised for your your services in towns for other local areas, this means you we focus slighly less on Essex but will could gain extra visibility in the search engines for other towns.
Customers usually like me to break down invoicing and payments, in this case it’ll be 50% deposit now, 50% when the site is finished, SEO payment at the beginning of month 2, SEO payment again month 3.  Hope that makes sense?  If you would find it easier I’m happy to invoice  everything in one go.
Sorry for taking so long to reply, only just spotted your email in junk.  I mostly finalised the site a few weeks ago, needs a few small tweaks and it’ll be ready to go.  I’ll send you a link to preview later in the week and if you’re happy we can look to getting it live before the weekend. Sorry for the slight delay, I take a week off and everything goes mad!
Regarding to our conversation about responsive website design, can you tell me what you mean by mobile friendly?  Most sites work on mobiles, your current one does, and basically anything without flash will work.  If you mean you want a dedicated mobile version of the site or a responsive design then this is something I offer for an additional cost (there are not many sites like this, doubtful any competitors have sites like either).  You can see the new site on our test server that was sent to you previously, just click on the link we sent.
If you do try it on your mobile or tablet you will see that I have used a responsive layout with optimised mobile menus etc..  Although, it’s easy enough to remove if this is not what you wanted, but doubt you would want to make the site less-user friendly on mobiles or tablets. Let me know what you think.  I have included a selection of stock photos for use as slides because the supplied images were a little too small and low on quality to really create an impact.  I have also added a few example projects but you will want to fill in the details, add others if and when you want.
We will provide you with all admin access / logins to the WordPress (CMS) area once the site is live on the domain, otherwise I have to set them up twice and it gets a bit confusing. Regarding the hosting changeover I said you could wait until then, but you didn’t have to, I was hoping we could have sorted out the hosting/new site earlier.
To move the hosting we need control of the domain.  This is quite simple but requires the current owner to change a setting called the IPS TAG to our tag.  For this reason I often suggest that you phone your current host/designer and say that you want to control and host the site yourself and could they please change the IPS TAG as soon as possible.  I will do all the transfer free of charge and hosting will be free for a year.

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