We do a lot of quick reviews for clients, normally to illustrate how badly their website has been working, performing, below is a sample review of a site that has had 3 previous website companies design on it and as you can see it, its a very long way from being acceptable.
My initial review has found the following website design / code / SEO problems that need attention and can be addressed as part of any overall plan that we create to get the site working for you:
1, Need clickable Phone numbers
2, Need an Email address clickable and at the top of page
3. Facebook / Twitter Social Icons added (if you use them)
4, Coding (HTML / CSS) is amateurish and full of errors (67 html errors / 42 warnings on first page)
5, Calls to CSS route go to a 3rd party website
6, Website coding for responsive doesn’t work well (icon overlaps telephone number or goes off the right of the screen)
7, Contact form doesn’t have an anti-spam measure within it
8. Google reviews are all from 2 years ago and all anonymous / fake?
9, Image slider has the same image on all 4 slides
10, Services menu doesn’t includes all the services on the services page (upgrades)
11, Upgrades needs its own page / content
12, Would like to see the services page with images for each service
13, Mouseover function for links (see services page) isn’t correct
14, Website is not legal by not having a visible email address and full address (company name / number required also if limited company)
15. Blog should be called ‘News’ and the current pages are in two directories (blog/blog)
16, Most pages are over-optimised (trying too hard to rank for local search terms) this may be causing a Google Penalty
17, More Testimonials needed (longer ones)
18, Would be good to have a Photo Gallery on the site
19, about ten of your pages are currently not indexed by Google
20, Images are hosting on another website / server?
21, Website is hosted in Germany

All the above are vital and took me about 1 hour to find / document. I expect I will find 35+ by the time I finish evaluation.
Reviewing the points above, knowing that you initially just mentioned SEO,  to make your site and SEO the best it can be I would like to re-design the complete site to make it on WordPress (Industry standard Content Management System) that is bomb-proof, easily updatable, user friendly, secure and search engine friendly (it’s the luxury 4*4 car of the website world) This would be done so it’s completely and correctly responsive and will enable us to create more pages, galleries and add to existing page easily / quickly and in a search friendly way.

Google Rating
Based on 82 reviews