Most people today turn to the Internet if they are looking for a particular Company, product or service. If they are looking to buy they will want to know what your Company can offer them compared to others in your market area, so getting your Company to stand out from the crowd means two things:
You need to be found when these people are searching for the services you can provide.
Your website must look appealing, work on all devices and be easy to navigate / use.
Getting found when people are searching is the biggest way to increase your profit. We don’t mean searching for “John Smith Builders”, because most people in your location will not know who you are. They will be doing a more general search such as “Builders in [their area]” or “Loft Conversion specialists in [their area].
If these people are to find your website then you will need to appear on the Google first page for not just one Search term but for many search terms, and if you want to appear on the Google first page you are going to need some help getting there.
Get an appealing Website
You may think that your present website looks ok and works fine, however have you looked recently at some of your competitors online? There are a huge selection of up to the minute websites out there locally with High resolution images and tablet friendly (responsive design).

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