1.   Unless otherwise stated, databases required will be developed and launched with a subset of your data sufficient only for the development of the application.  It will be your responsibility to populate the database fully.
2.   Any work required in altering or upgrading your technical infrastructure is not covered within the scope of this document.  We would be happy to recommend a supplier or quote for such work if required.
3.   Unless otherwise stated, the above costings do not include the provision of photography or textual content which will need to be provided by you.  If you do require content to be provided, please ask as we would be happy to provide a quote.
4.   Unless otherwise stated, Internet browsers older than 5 years (including IE version 6) will not be supported.
5.   Unless otherwise stated, the above costings do not include the development and provision of any transactional or search capabilities.
6.   Unless otherwise stated, the above costings do not include the development of animation such as animated GIFs or Flash.

Website Project Estimate agreement

By signing this estimate, you are agreeing on behalf of your company to the contents of the estimate and the costs associated with the work specified.  As this estimate forms the scope of work to be undertaken, please ensure you understand the contents fully as future changes may incur additional costs. Separate Terms and Conditions are also required to be signed and which form the contractual basis for the relationship between your company and Delicious Webdesign.

Client agreement

I agree to the requirements, proposed solution and estimated costs contained within this document.
Signed on behalf of the client organisation:
Name of signatory (printed in capitals):
Date signed:
All material contained within this estimate shall remain the property of Delicious Webdesign and cannot be reproduced without prior consent. All materials and Intellectual Property supplied by the client in the course of the project remain the property of the client.
The customer shall provide all content for the website and shall guarantee that they own or that they have full permission to use any text, photos / images, videos, designs, graphics or logos that they supply. The customer will fully indemnify Delicious Webdesign against any copyright or intellectual property right claim arising from material supplied by the customer.

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