Project Summary
Full Ecommerce Website with Customised Blog – Domain Transfer / Hosting and maintenance
Design Notes front page
1 client likes the mouseover functions on menu and logo
2 client needs bigger text / fonts compared to  cranberries (especially during checkout)
3 the look of the site should be related to dolly rocker kids, it could be similar but use a revolving banner image
4 The main menu to use bones images as buttons
Client notes
I just wanted to address that I am wanting to keep my front page in the same template format as it is but just jazzing it up.
Meaning, that I am only wanting to add a different look through the header and quality of photos in slider etc. I’m not wanting to change the look only in the sense of relating it  to the box images of categories which would lead through to be on the 2nd page once clicked on the cat or dog icon. The first page is the most important part to me .
Regarding the header I am wanting it how it is just wanting to change the colour block to a glossy black block colour to emphasize the white logo and black & white Company name in either the gabriola or the Churchill font . Where as I’m wanting to change the back ground around the slider to deep pink .  Or something that looks nice. I’m wanting the headers such as the , home,about us to be in a bone shape or the word then the bone image above or beneath the text.
Then at the bottom where it is white block where there are 3 imagines – that’s where I ‘m wanting the quirky cat & dog icons to take you into the 2nd page. The bottom of the page is to stay more or less the same in the glossy black block colour,  just replacing the visa signs to something more subtle. Adding the Facebook Twitter and rewording. Then there is my clunky shopping cart process which needs tweaking or completely revamping as it’s ghastly. Hope this makes sense.. is this what you envisaged  from our meeting?
Just something for you to bear in mind whilst getting started with  my website. At some stage say within the next 6 months adding a few strings to my bow example adding new services to the site. I’m just giving you the heads up in case you have to design the site with this in mind.

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