I recently spoke with a member of your staff who has suggested that I get in contact with you. As you know I own and run a leading Thurrock business designing websites and helping companies to be found more easily in search engine results.  The first website people visit when they go online is often a search engine, such as Google.
It’s really important to make it as easy as possible for people to find you. A competitor that appears above you in search engine results is more likely to get the business.  Social Media can help greatly with your company’s position in search engine results. Facebook and Twitter are a great way for people to keep in contact with you and let their friends know about the great work you are doing.
We can help you to improve your current position in search engine results and manage your social media to promote your business.
If you would like me to have a look at your existing online presence let me know and I will be able to analyse and advise you. I have analysed your online presence and have found areas that could be optimised. I would very much like to discuss this with you and how it would help your business further.
Proposed Costing
Further to our meeting I would like to give you some guide prices setting out tasks from our conversation:

    • 10 Questions aimed at existing customers about what Social Media Channels they use and when.
    • Analyse and present findings.


    • Branded Facebook page with website / company name url
    • Consolidate your  Facebook profiles /groups and  Pages (convert the profile to the company page)
    • Add an Events and Services section
    • Claim Facebook Places Page
    • Once we have the Fb page we can find out whether you would be eligible to do Facebook Check-in Deals or find an alternative solution.
    • Setting up an Analytics account so that clicks can be measured for all URLs inserted into posts.

New Website
The design and build of the website would include:
Menu structure of up to 50 pages

  • This cost does not include the creation of copy, images, video or any ecommerce functionality
  • Three initial Browser template designs for consideration. One to be chosen and signed off before building. Once the final template has been chosen alterations can be made in line with a fair use policy. Seasonal Templates can be created at additional cost.
  • Site Search
  • Google Map on contact page
  • Transfer the existing copy along with newly generated content (recommended minimum of 400 words per page) including your own terms and conditions, and privacy policy;
  • Transfer the existing Favourites icon (Favicon)
  • Transfer the existing Google Analytics to track the number of visits and other metrics;
  • Transfer the existing Content sharing widget, Google +1 and Facebook Like button.
  • Transfer the existing Feedback tool.
  • Transfer the existing XML Site Map, Robots.txt and Meta Data
    • Site caching software to speed up the site, particularly for returning users who have caching enabled
    • A discrete link at the bottom of the template citing the web design company
  • Embed a like box into the site. This does not include setting up content for the fan page. This will link the Facebook Fan page. Additional links, for example twitter or new fan page content will be agreed on completion of the Social Media Strategy
  • The design and build of the website will include
  • Editing, uploading and formatting of existing copy along with your own terms and conditions
  • This cost includes the creation of one blog post. Future blog posts can be created at an additional cost
  • Browser template for consideration to be signed off before building. This does not include a mobile accessible template which can be done at an additional cost
  • Favourites icon (Favicon);
  • Site caching software to speed up the site particularly for returning users who have caching enabled
  • Set up Google Analytics to track the number of visits and other metrics
  • Google Site Search and integrate with Google Analytics
  • Google Map on contact page
  • Content sharing widget
  • Feedback tool
  • Initial On-Page SEO to include a XML Site Map, Robots.txt, Meta Data and optimised copy;
  • Software updates as and when they occur for the first 3 months
  • A Facebook fan page and embed a like box into the site. This does not include setting up content for the fan page

Letter of Engagement
Further to our meeting today, I would just like to confirm the options chosen:
Online Strategy
This is the initial stage, one off document in which I would carry out a brief review of 5 competitors’ websites in order to understand the online landscape for your market and ways that you can improve your online presence. This document will also help define your online objectives, navigation and identify the best tactics and tools to achieve them.
Optimise Current Website
The optimisation of the current site would include:

  • This cost does not include the artwork for the current template or the creation of images or video
  • This cost does not include any ecommerce or booking functionality
  • Set up Google Analytics to track the number of visits and other metrics
  • Change 1x Flash Slider for an alternative with links
  • URL and content duplication Issues
  • Convert PDF Booking form into HTML with download link
  • Content sharing widgets
  • Feedback tool
  • On-Page SEO to include a XML Site Map, Robots.txt and Meta Data on all relevant pages

Search Engine Strategy

Organic and Paid On Page Optimisation would include:
Search Engine verification (with Google, Bing and Yahoo).
A 50% deposit has been received thanks; the remaining balance will be due upon completion. The above costs are based on our agreed package cost as detailed during our meeting. . This does not include Organic or Paid SEO or any further Social Media work. These have ongoing costs associated with them depending on the levels of work involved. To set the project in motion I need your acceptance and agreement of this letter of engagement. As discussed I would require a 50% deposit to commence with your written instruction and the balance payable on completion. I will then set out to complete this work within 30 days of the written instruction.
From our conversation there are four things that I feel needed to be addressed:
1) Online Strategy
The objectives of each site need to be crystal clear. Analysis of specific key competitors will also enable you to see how you can strengthen your position online. This can be as detailed as you like.
2) Website
New Design and build. By defining the site objectives (i.e. to generate phone calls or sign ups), improved navigation (i.e. logo in top left, site search and telephone number in top right with menu along the top), Google Analytics, Google Map, Content Sharing widget and much more. This does not include the generation of copy or the production of new, relevant images or video content.
This does not include continual cost of travel expenses, maintenance work, creation, updating of content or costs associated with SMS messaging or Mailshots.
3) Search Engine Strategy
3a) Organic SEO
These are the results that appear on search engines purely because of their relevance. This will need to be continually optimised and the initial results will take about 2 months to appear.
3b) Paid SEO
These are the paid ads that appear alongside the organic results. This will also need to be continually optimised. The results are instant, compared with organic, but it is important to have definite objectives in order to measure ROI. I would advise starting with Google then looking at the Bing and Yahoo Alliance. Subject to availability, I can offer a £50 worth of FREE Google Ad spend.
Guide price: £300 to set up each search account. 10% of AdWords spend per month (Minimum AdWords spend £1 per day). For example, if you spend £500 a month, we will charge 10% on that figure. So your total spend would be £550
4) Social Media Strategy
Social Media has an impact on your SEO and if harnessed effectively can drive more traffic to your site and generate more conversions. I would initially propose to set up accounts on the following properties:
I would also set up the follow Social Bookmarking accounts which would help further with SEO:
Yahoo Buzz
Stumble Upon
Although I would be able to set these up and advise on content, content would be an additional cost.
Goal to set up the 11 accounts listed. This does not include populating with content.

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