Here is a sample website update list to give you an idea of the level of detail required to send us when you receive your draft design:
Here is our design agreement overview in terms of Concept / Build / Support and Design
Site Concepts Design concepts and annotation of the new section on the main site. Design concepts will be supplied as web ready pdf’s at the correct pixel proportions for the third party to work from. Each concept will include up to 3 flat designs illustrating both core aesthetics and functionality.
Site Build Build of the new website and migration of the website over to the wordpress platform incorporating the new functionality and aesthetic developed for the Grooms site. The site build will include the following:
Design and build
Mobile (Touch) friendly banners and image sliders
Testing and training
Content must be provided fully checked and as a word document with clear format and page titling applied. Images for each collection and gallery will need to be supplied in individually named folders. This will allow for a smooth migration of the content from the old site to the new.
Website Support Ongoing monthly Website Support – includes responsive telephone and email support (within office hours), performance monitoring, analytics reporting, browser guarantee & free professional web hosting.
Support Updates
We  understand that the site is still receiving updates and is under development etc and also some of these things may be too timely considering the stripping back design we’ve had to opt for hopefully not though?
1.Regarding the Main logo  can we add the  strapline from a branding point of view and for consistency.
2. When you click on the logo in the header menu this just needs to link over to our main site please but opened in a new browser page I think, I’m not sure it needs a page (unless you think so?) in which case I need to rustle up some content for you.
3. We love the image sliders / carousels, I think maybe the cursor highlight on the home page needs to be diff colour as it isn’t always seen.
4. The About us page needs the photo of the team dropped into the main bit.  I sent this over.  I’d also like to add picture of my team.
5. Is it possible from a navigation viewpoint to highlight the page title that you’re on, in a tone to match our brochure?
6. Am not sure the first image on the home carousel works, could we change this or move the image slightly?
7. On the catalogue page we have to scroll back to reorientate and use the thumbnails, is there a way of fixing this point?
8. Can we add a services carousel? If yes there are a few images we can use from the about us page and I shall find a few others if required.
9. Services Gallery customer images please move off the and use it maybe in a carrousel instead.
10. Finally I’ve noticed that the placement of some of the images needs a little attention ie the order of the gallery am hoping it’s a simple question of reordering them because in some cases very similar are placed next to each other, hope it will be ok to re-arrange?  And I may have to be a little specific as to which ones feature on the first and second page of the brickwork gallery as this is really key to getting their attention.
11. Possible blue colour added to all the navigational cursors and dots so they stand out? Also to the back to top cursor?
12. Blue colour added to highlight page you are on in the menus.
13. Sometimes there is a reflection of the slider pictures that appears just underneath, this usually happens in conjunction with the right navigational cursor not showing. If I click onto a diff page and then  back on it the weird reflection goes and cursor appears – may not happen once on main site.
14. On the About Us page in the right hand column (our services list info).  Please take out the word ‘Essex’ so that the last word of the para jumps up and ends on the same line it will look neater.

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