Its very hard to price (and sell websites) here is an example message sent to a prospecive buyer of two related websites we have for sale:
A standard way to value websites is for 3 times their current yearly income (which we don’t know) but as it gets a regular stream of emails and website visitors and it supported a company for 15 years then you can imagine a higher price is justified. I would be happy to sell both websites for £4950, if this seems lots then I am pretty happy to keep hold of them and wont be offended in any way if you don’t want them.
In the main website you will acquire an established website that contains 345 pages (see website pages with titles document) of unique / relevant content that is optimised for the Phuket / tech diving market, has regular / established website visitors and tech enquiries See attached document for a SEO report of the website and the Analytics report to show the visitor numbers.
Your choices about the urls / domains are:
1, Keep them as they are and you get the emails accounts for both websites.
2, create a new website and transfer the old site to the new with new branding / photos / etc. (the physical and technical seo transfer is done by us)
3, keep the url and have your branding on it
My offer in the transfer
1 Both domains put in your name / your control
2 My full review of the sites (website looks and works perfectly though)
3 Any cosmetic changes completed (images / text changes)
4 If you choose to create a new website this will be organised for you and the full code and ‘technical SEO’ transfer will be completed to ensure that you rank in the same position and get the same visitor numbers as ozd website.

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