Our websites now allow any non-tech savvy person to manage and publish web content consisting of text, images, audio, video etc. on their own website which will be touch / mobile friendly (working perfectly on any sized devices like ipads / tablets / smartphones)
Why is this a good thing?
Instantly update your own site
Add more content / pages to your site to improve its SEO (search engine optimisation)
Our CMS solution is user-friendly – easy to use
Multilingual solution with Unicode support
Template based HTML generation ensuring consistent design
Role based security
Archived content managed through web based module
RSS feeds
To increase online visibility for our clients comes from a process that has been refined over many years in the industry. As a leading SEO Solution provider firm, We provides a comprehensive array of professional services, including:
Website Analysis
Keywords Researched
On-page Optimization
Off-page Optimization
Landing-page Design & Optimization
Google Webmaster Configuration
Google Analytics Configuration
Top Search Engine Rankings

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