SEO companies contact us all the time (and our clients) we have yet to see any SEO company that cold-calls website owners that can actually do the job but we live and learn. If you insist on having a 3rd party company update your website we will oblige but would urge caution as when this has happened previously the ‘SEO expert’ has been known to attempt to charge a huge amount and when we evaluate what they have done we have only found work that can only negatively affect a normal business website. We have some of the highest ranking websites for different business sectors in Google, if you want to talk about promoting your site get in touch with us first dont trust a stranger that phones or emails you. Example converation below:
[SEO Company] We are working on an SEO campaign for one of your clients and as part of the campaign we need to make some changes to the site, mainly to the meta titles and descriptions. The website owner has given us your contact details to contact for the access details to the website.  Would you mind forwarding me either access to the CMS if the site has one or FTP log in details, or both if you have them? We would also like you to add another wordpress database on the site and give us full admin details of this.
[Website Designers] A company has contacted us asking for ftp access to your site, assuming you have ‘employed them’ I need to tell you that by default we don’t give 3rd parties ftp access as your account doesn’t have a dedicated ftp account / cpanel system and going back to other clients when they have done this before this has previously resulting in ‘SEO’ companies destroying the site and putting lots of links on the site resulting in one going out of business due to the collapse in visitors on their website.
I would really advise you against using these type of SEO companies as from previous experience they will promise you the world / deliver nothing and charge lots – we have lots of ideas to improve / promote your site and happy to discuss.
If you insist on them having access to the site we will change over your account to be a standalone account and give you ftp access (we wont send this to a 3rd party but will send it to you and you must be responsible for the actions of this company and cannot hold us responsible for any negative effects of their actions) Obviously will help and support you as you request. Creating your own account and allocating you a ftp code and access is a chargeable admin / support function and will add the charge to your next invoice which will be sent shortly and will include your hosting payment also.
If you want us to install wordpress on your site we can do that, you will be allocated a database and the server supports the requirements below. We will install it for you with a theme and allocate you the admin details, the cost will be added to your  invoice (which I have just updated today for ftp access and hosting and attached it to this email)  Once you pay this invoice we will do the database creation / wordpress install immediately

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